I finished the Deaths Head just in time for February. Sound Familiar? Yup, just like last year. I'm not sure what it is with February and physical representations of the dead, but they seem to coincide. The sun was shining today which is a relief as C----- promised to kill me if she had to deal with another day of Cloudy Sky StEvEn. How would you do it? Slooooowly she said.
I am trying to be more professional with the blog. Like spelling everything correctly. I saw two bumper stickers side by side today on the back of a pick up truck. "My kid can beat up your honor roll student" next to "Life is Short, Don't Be a Dick". Maybe someone else put the second one up, as a suggestion.
I'm thinking of going in the Lip Sync contest but I need a good song. I need a really good song. Heart of glass just popped into my head.
C------ just came home with some thai food. Maybe I should have a facebook page.
Is this a perfect blog entry or what!